Each year we celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd. While we work to appreciate and love this planet every day, this is a special day on which we recognize the importance of taking care of our shared home.

Earth Day first began in 1970 and has since grown to be the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people being mobilized every year as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national and local policy changes. Over 190 nations celebrate and recognize Earth Day. The Earth Day Organization leads worldwide efforts to drive meaningful change through climate action, science and education, people and communities, conservation and restoration, and plastic and pollution.

CGC helps honor our Earth and do our part by working with EcoCart to provide carbon neutral shipping. EcoCart offsets the carbon dioxide generated from orders by calculating the exact amount of carbon your order emits, and then offsetting that specific amount.

EcoCart is able to offset by donating to projects that go through rigorous carbon offset laboratory and field testing. They only fund projects that are carefully vetted, ethically proven, and scientifically verified according to the world’s major carbon standards. Their projects are also third-party verified with site visits by their trusted partners to ensure successful calculation of greenhouse gas reductions and management of funds.

We are doing our part to donate proceeds towards planting trees but also offsetting our carbon footprint for all deliveries. As of today, CGC has offset a total of 40,613 lbs of CO2. We have also planted 2500+ trees through all of our channels. We are 11 trees away from planting 1000 from the website alone! Join us in reaching our goal!

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