When a candle is lit, the used wax undergoes a chemical process that produces heat and light. This process, known as combustion, occurs when the hydrogen and carbon from the used wax react with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water vapor. However, not all of the used wax is burned completely.

A small amount of unburned wax particles are left behind around the edges of the flame due to incomplete combustion. These particles can make up 0.1 percent of the entire mass of the used wax in a candle.

The combustion process for used wax helps us understand how candles work - it's no wonder they've been used for centuries! Understanding this chemistry will help you better appreciate how useful candles can be.

The wax in a candle has been used for centuries, and the chemical process of combustion explains why. When lit, wax reacts with oxygen to produce heat and light in the form of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water vapor.

However, incomplete combustion means that some unburned particles of used wax are left around the edges of the flame - typically amounting to 0.1 percent of the entire mass used. This helps us understand how candles work and appreciate their usefulness over time.

It's fascinating to see the chemistry at work in used wax - and how it has been used for centuries. Understanding this process helps us understand the importance of candles, and appreciate their usefulness in our lives.

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