Candles are an essential component of a relaxing and calming home ambiance. They become even more relaxing when you light them up and let the aroma do its magic. But have you ever wondered if the candles resting on your coffee table or mantle are vegan? Do they contain any animal-derived ingredients? Do they align with your healthy vegan lifestyle? In this blog post, we will debunk the myth once and for all whether candles are vegan or not, and provide insight into the ingredients used in making vegan candles.

The fact is, most candles are non-vegan. Many candles use animal-derived ingredients to harden the candle and enhance the fragrance, such as Stearic acid and Beeswax. By using animal-derived ingredients, they are not suitable for the vegan lifestyle. In contrast, vegan candles will be made from natural vegetable wax such as Soy, Coconut, or Rapeseed Wax that are equally good in hardening the candle and enhancing the scent. Some vegan candles use natural fragrances derived from essential oils, while some use synthetic fragrances. Natural vegetable wax candles burn cleaner than their animal-derived counterparts and don't emit harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.

If you're wondering where to find vegan candles, there are many eco-friendly and vegan candle brands supporting sustainability and animal welfare - including Cosmic Green Candles. Many have researched and tested their products to ensure they don't use any animal-derived ingredients, including dyes, additives, and ingredients used to enhance fragrance.

Not only is using vegan candles an ethical decision, but it's also an environmentally friendly one. Choosing natural vegetable wax candles that are 100% biodegradable ensures that you're not contributing to the mounting waste in landfills. Soy, rapeseed, and coconut wax also support sustainable agriculture and protect the farmers' livelihoods. So don't hesitate to put that vegan candle on your shopping list for the next time you need to buy a new candle.

Cleaning candles is also a breeze when it comes to vegan candles. Natural vegetable waxes don't stain, so you can easily wipe off any spills or soot with a moist cloth. In addition, the clean-burning nature of soy and other vegetable waxes means your candles won't release black soot into the environment, leaving walls and ceilings covered with a black residue.

Candles are a must-have item for setting up a relaxed environment at home. However, not all candles are vegan-friendly. Most candles are made using animal-derived ingredients that are not suitable for a vegan lifestyle. If you want to live a more ethical and sustainable life, choose vegan candles made of natural vegetable wax that burn cleaner, are biodegradable, and support sustainable agriculture. Be sure to read the labels and certifications before investing in a new candle to ensure it aligns with your vegan values. By doing so, you are supporting brands that care about animal welfare, the planet, and its inhabitants!

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